If a ship was repaired, plank-by-plank, to the point where no material from the original remained in the restored craft, does it stay the same? If the discarded planks are used to create another ship, is it a different one or remains the same?
A Blind photographer who creates art based on her tranquil instinct and feed from the external world is ridiculously fixated that: "What inner skill does really one need to have a great moment around you and the clicking of her camera coming together", which further inspires her on embarking journey to the Himalayas, immersing herself into the serenity and silence of the picturesque.
Maitreya, who plays a Jain Monk is my most interesting personality. A self-sustained saint who battles the pharmaceutical companies against the physical abuse of animals in the name of scientific research. With his fundamentalist thought: He believes in no celestial beings, no eternal judge, there is only law of causality through which he takes responsibility for his actions and their consequences. Diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, how does he balance the bridge between his ideals and necessity forms the rest of the plot. Navin, a stock trader hits the organ trafficking network when he realizes that his kidney has been illegally procured, goes to Stockholm to meet his non-consensual donor. In a stunning, emotionally profound climax, there is a screening of a documentary filmed inside an ancient cave of shimmering rock, relating to Plato's thought experiment- The role of a philosopher is to find his way out of the cave and then try to enlighten the other prisoners.
Is it a art-house film where one can doze off in the first few minutes? No.If not then a mainstream unconventional (just for the sake of being so) film? No. Ship of Thesus is a thought provoking film which seeks answers to the most imperative questions of life through the representation of three characters in entirely different settings. With stunning visuals, the literary cinematographer has turned his lens into sheer poetry. Hypnotizing one into deep introspection, the movie watching experience is a personal pilgrimage in it self. It further tunnels into this philosophical aspect that the true self should be separated from the cycle of life & death and "the physical thy shall perish, one's deeds should be worth leaving the soul behind".
A Blind photographer who creates art based on her tranquil instinct and feed from the external world is ridiculously fixated that: "What inner skill does really one need to have a great moment around you and the clicking of her camera coming together", which further inspires her on embarking journey to the Himalayas, immersing herself into the serenity and silence of the picturesque.
Maitreya, who plays a Jain Monk is my most interesting personality. A self-sustained saint who battles the pharmaceutical companies against the physical abuse of animals in the name of scientific research. With his fundamentalist thought: He believes in no celestial beings, no eternal judge, there is only law of causality through which he takes responsibility for his actions and their consequences. Diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, how does he balance the bridge between his ideals and necessity forms the rest of the plot. Navin, a stock trader hits the organ trafficking network when he realizes that his kidney has been illegally procured, goes to Stockholm to meet his non-consensual donor. In a stunning, emotionally profound climax, there is a screening of a documentary filmed inside an ancient cave of shimmering rock, relating to Plato's thought experiment- The role of a philosopher is to find his way out of the cave and then try to enlighten the other prisoners.
Is it a art-house film where one can doze off in the first few minutes? No.If not then a mainstream unconventional (just for the sake of being so) film? No. Ship of Thesus is a thought provoking film which seeks answers to the most imperative questions of life through the representation of three characters in entirely different settings. With stunning visuals, the literary cinematographer has turned his lens into sheer poetry. Hypnotizing one into deep introspection, the movie watching experience is a personal pilgrimage in it self. It further tunnels into this philosophical aspect that the true self should be separated from the cycle of life & death and "the physical thy shall perish, one's deeds should be worth leaving the soul behind".
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